So this is what it looked like in my back garden today...
The kids obviously were thrilled. Last time it snowed here to any great significance nos 3& 4 were still in the double buggy. I can still remember the fun of slaloming to school (not...)
Funnily enough the fact that all this white stuff had fallen out of the sky in the night was enough to have everyone up and out of the door before you could sneeze.
I made them all wrap up warm and put on their fleece lined boots which have languished in a cupboard for a year since Spouse had the bright idea of buying them from Millets, and off we trotted through the allotments.
We were the first to make our mark on the snow, so the children had great fun spotting animal tracks - mainly cats it has to be said, but we did see a couple of foxes. Normally, I am pretty anti foxes (bring back hunting I say) as they poo all over my garden, but I have to fess up and say the sight of one striding through the snow is something to behold.
By the time we arrived at school, kids were all covered in snow from chucking snowballs at one another. (The only ones they are likely to get to throw, Elf and Safety no doubt ensuring that they won't get another chance at school).
Elf and Safety had gone walkabout when we arrived though, as only four teachers had made it into the junior school. So merry mayhem ensued as I walked the little ones across the playground to their school. No 4 couldn't have been wetter if she tried.
I had intended to go swimming, but discovering there was a possibility the kids could get sent home if enough staff didn't turn up, I decamped back to my friend's house for a civilised cup of tea instead.
By the time we knew the kids were staying it was too late for a swim, so I wandered back through a rather watery wintry wonderland instead. No doubt it will have all melted when I go to pick the kids up, but while I feel for anyone who has to commute in this weather, it is nice to have some proper snow for once. Finally, the seasons are doing what they are supposed to. Not good news for my poor daffs who had brazenly been pushing their way up assuming that winter wasn't happening this year, or for the onion sets we recently planted, which looked distinctly chilly under a blanket of snow. But... it doesn't happen often.
And for the first time since I've been visiting my Ozzie friends' blogs and fantasising about sunshine, I'm enjoying some PROPER January weather. (Sorry, Bec, but the beach and January don't go together ever, when you've been brought up here!)
The skies are still grey, so there's an outside chance of more to come.
I do hope so.
As a) I'm dying to make a snowman and b)if it lasts till the weekend, we can go sledging.
Who says snow doesn't speak to the kid in us all?
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