Thursday, December 06, 2007

Pasytures New

I have been feeling a bit glum this week despite the excitement of the book launch, as there are a couple of things that are getting under my skin at the moment, neither of which I can do anything about.

Yesterday my good humour was restored by a conversation with the children on the way home. I had just been to the Post Office to pick up a parcel that hadn't been delivered last week. In it was a copy of Closer Magazine, where woohoo! I love my publishers! - Pastures New as featured as one of their books of the month.

Ooh Mummy, does that mean you're famous, said no 2.

Nooo, but it's still nice.

Mummy's famous, Mummy's famous, chorussed no 4 and then demonstrated her new found reading skills by reading the blurb out to me. It was only afterwards I realised the book underneath mine is called Call Girl, about a prostitute...

Can I read it? (PN not CG) demanded no 2.

I don't think it's quite suitable, I said. I don't go for too much sex in my stuff (far too scared of winning the Bad Sex Awards, see http://womanwhotalkedtoomuch.blogspot/2007/11/bad-sex-in-fiction-awards-2007.html for Marie Philip's brilliant take on this year's winner to see why. That and the worry of my mother reading it.) however I'm all in favour as a writing friend of mine puts it of bad sex IN fiction, which is a lot easier to write. So I do have a thread running through the story of Saffron's search for her lost libido, which takes her among other places to a sex shop, an attempt to dress in exciting lingerie without her seven year old noticing (based - ahem - on a similar true life experience) , and eventually to poledancing lessons (not at all based on true life), which probably isn't quite what a nine year old should be reading.

That's not fair, said No 2 crossly. You're my mum. I've GOT to read it.

At this point no 3 piped up with, What's Paystures New about then?

At which I collapsed in a little hysterical heap.

I think Paystures New is an excellent title for a book. Though my blogging friend Rivergirlie has suggested Pastries Nouveaux which might be even better - perhaps for the French edition.

I feel a competition coming on. Watch this space as I am dammit going to organise an online launch party, and I had one idea for a comp, but no 3's given me a better one. I shall also be stealing by lovely bloggy friend BecandCall's Root Shoot and Marry Game again and as this is a launch party for a romantic novel, I think it has to probably be around the subject of heroes. Any excuse to get pictures of Johnny Depp, David Tennant, Richard Armitage, Daniel Craig and Russell Crowe up there. I may have to expand it though as I have far too many heroes. I haven't even got started on the oldies like Sean and Clint and lovely lovely Jimmy Stewart... Sigh. Be still my beating heart.

Anyway. I will keep you posted as to what's happening and readers of this blog and anyone else who cares to join in, you are most cordially welcome.

In the meantime, if it isn't too much of a change of direction, I am working on my Auschwitz blog and will be posting it shortly I hope....


Juliette M said...

Dear Jane (Julia)

I just wanted to let you knwo two things. I only meant to tell you one when I logged in, but after reading your blog further now I want to say two.

First, I bought Pastures New at Tesco last night and read it all in one sitting. My partner was slightly bewildered by my excitement at seeing the book but once I had explained you were a blogger like me it made more sense! I really enjoyed your book and thought the characters were very vibrant. It's a very easy story to get into and I love the village itself. Nevermorewell is a lovely place as you describe it. My favourite character was Harry. (That's all I'll say about that in case of spoilers!)

Looking forward to your next book.

The other thign I wanted to say was that I read your Auschwitz blog entry and found it very fascinating and moving. Did you see the Stephen Fry 'who do you think you are' on BBC1 which also related to Auschwitz? It is somewhere I have always wanted to visit, not because I think it will be an enjoyable experience but because places like that are kept and should be kept to remind people NEVER to do something like that again to their fellow humans beings... sadly there is war and death all over the world but perhaps if one more person sees Auschwitz and what it stands for then maybe that is one more person who will never see the world the same way again...

Blessings to you and thank you so much for your blog entry.


Jane Henry said...

Hi Juliette,

Welcome to the blog. After such nice words, you can come again!!

Really really glad you liked Paystures New. You are my first fan!! And I am thrilled to bits you like Harry. He's my favourite character too. And based partly on my dad and father in law.

And thanks for the comments about Auscwitz. I caught part of that programme too. And I echo your words absolutely. That is exactly why I think it is important to go to these places.

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