Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Happy New Year!

Thanks to life spiralling quite spectacularly out of control in the months leading up to Christmas, I have I know, been a very poor blogger in the last little while. I'm crap at keeping New Year's Resolutions, but I hope to keep the one about blogging more often. Well I can hardly blog, less then I did last year...

Anyway, if anyone is still out there, a Happy New Year to you all, and I hope you had a lovely Christmas.

This year, ours was a time of mixed blessings, as my lovely mother in law finally passed away in the early hours of December 23. Being Rosemarie, she took care to leave us just before the festive season so our plans weren't spoiled, and even giving the boys time to get to the funeral director's on the Friday. She departed with the minimum of fuss, so though we were called to her bedside, she'd gone before we got there, and we entered her room to the sounds of Radio 3 which had been playing all that week in the background. I would have liked to have been there, but one of the many wise and wonderful nurses at the hospice told me that she thinks these things are meant to be, and as Rosemarie knew we were coming, I can only assume she wanted to go in her own good time.

I have spent the last week or so planning to write a piece about her, but then I heard last Friday, that a very dear writing friend, Penny Jordan was ill with cancer. Sadly she too passed away on New Year's Eve, and I am not alone in mourning her loss. So if you'll bear with me, my next two posts are going to be tributes to two women I loved dearly, remarkable in their own different ways.

I am hoping for better things from 2012...

In the meantime a Happy New Year to you all, and may it bring you all the joys and good things you desire and deserve.

1 comment:

Persephone said...

After the losses of 2011, 2012 can only be better, right?

I'm sorry to hear of the deaths of your friend and your mother-in-law. It sounds to me, though, that you'll have a good clean grief, particularly in the case of m-i-l; you clearly were a faithful advocate and support for her.