Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My mama said...

Two of the most important people in my life, my mother and Spouse still fail to understand why I blog, and what I love about it. Well dear people, it's this. Picking up on my slightly frantic post from yesterday, lovely Persephone all the way from Canada posted two links on my blog to cheer me up. You don't get that sitting at home on your own NOT hooked up to the internet. Before I had an online life, when my children were small, and the walls of my home were closing in on me, I was going slightly demented. I may still be slightly demented, but at least I have found lots of friendly people to share my dementia with. The blogosphere gives me so much more then mere procrastination (though it offers that too, and I accept gratefully. If I didn't procrastinate I'd never get ANYTHING done.)

On the subject of my mother, about whom I write rarely to protect her privacy (though as she a) doesn't own a computer b) would never go online and read this even if she did, I maybe being over zealous about that), I will tell you that she is an ex nurse (her set at the London was the first to be trained in Bevan's new NHS. I keep telling her she needs to write a nurses version of that book about the East end midwife), and is a fantastic source of old fashioned remedies.

So among many other things my mama has said to me over the years, I have learnt you can use magnesium sulphate to draw out pus from horrible boils (Spouse wouldn't believe that one), a gin and tonic really does work wonders for period pain, and once when no 1 had a horrible gash we felt sure needed stitches, she pulled the skin together really tight, bound it up with steri strips and plaster and lo and behold the gash healed up in days.

Of late she has been giving me helpful advice about the ongoing back problem. One of her suggestions was to take Syndol as a muscle relaxant. I was a bit wary about it because it can also make you sleepy (and contains codeine, which is a cureall my mother used for years before it was banned from the shelves because of it's addictive properties). However. I was in so much agony on Monday night, and swimming which normally helps didn't, I took one before bed. It didn't do a lot and yesterday morning I had another one. Still no effect. The packet has dire warnings about only using Syndol for three days at a time. So I had one last night, thinking I'd give up on it after today, and lo and behold. I woke up this morning relatively pain free. So thanks mama. I'm glad I listened to what you said.

And thanks to Persephone and Jaywalker for sharing this. May those of you who are enjoying a rubbish start to 2009 (and I profoundly hope you aren't) sit back, relax and enjoy...

And if that hasn't done the trick. Have a butchers at this. I laughed out loud watching it this morning. Thank you soooo much, Persephone. I can only dream about my traffic bastards having been that good looking. Or romantic...


Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Awh, the marmoset link is so hilarious and it's been a while since I watched Traffic Warden - is IS lovely isn't it?

Marie said...

Oh my god you have been through the wars. All sympathy from here.

Also: I love the gin and tonic tip and am looking forward to my next period pain, just to try it.

Persephone said...

I've been watching The Traffic Warden over the years as various parties post it at YouTube and the copyright cops yank it down. I'm afraid our links will probably betray this current poster. A pity when you consider that thousands of people get to watch this charming and well-crafted little film who ordinarily wouldn't.

My mum was a nurse and a midwife, before taking physiotherapy training. She trained in nursing and physio at Oswestry, while my aunt trained in nursing at St Bart's. Speaking of good advice (from my own mother), you are icing your back regularly, aren't you? It really does make a difference...

Jane Henry said...

Oh bugger, didn't mean to out a poster, hope it stays up!

Ah Persephone now I know why we get on so well. My mum trained at the London, but one of my sisters trained at Barts and another worked there for a while. It's also where my dad had his heart bypass, so I'm very fond of the place.

Yup have been icing too...

Lisa I LOVE the marmosets. Thank you again Persephone...

Marie thanks for sympathy. Now kids are back at school feel much better. Sun is also shining here. And mil seems a bit better. So hey. Maybe 2009 won't be such a duff year after all...

PS G&T for period pain really does work as it relaxes the muscles. (There is a proper reason for it being known as mother's ruin...)